Let’s Not Fuck America Over

Today, as my clever friends would call it, is the season finale of the United States. In this incredibly confusing, infuriating, and just plain unusual election cycle, it has come down to two of the least popular candidates in United States history.

Personally, I am not happy with either candidate, as most people who know me (or at the very least have me on Facebook) will know that I am an avid Bernie Sanders supporter. Other than considering myself a democrat, agreeing with most of his political views and supporting his policies, I chose to support Bernie Sanders for lighting a spark within hundreds of thousands of young people, many of them being college students, like me. Although he is now out of the election cycle, I have him to thank for lighting that spark in me and making me partake in this cycle. Yes, I am not an American citizen, I cannot vote in this election, but I do spend most of my time living in America. Coming from a country notorious for having an incredibly corrupt government and not being able to be there to actively fight it, I can only make it my moral duty to educate myself and take a stand in what I believe is right with what is happening here in America. Now, it has come down to two presidential candidates-

an unideal one and an orange perverted piece of human garbage.

Now, as many of you may have noticed, I am not one to write frequently. Nonetheless, while browsing my Facebook newsfeed this morning, I saw some of the thoughts people were sharing about the election. Now, although I try my best to respect people’s opinions, I can only ask myself if whether or not some people are just extremely ill-informed about this election (and particularly Donald Trump) or if their morals are so extremely twisted that regardless of Donald Trump’s shameless exhibition of bigotry, lack of self control, ignorance, pettiness, lack of respect for women, racism, not to mention a very obvious attraction to his own daughter Ivanka, they’d still support him.

I honestly couldn’t care less whether or not people are voting for Trump because of conservative beliefs (whether economic, social, or both) or simply for party loyalty, voting for Trump is the biggest fuck you you could give to America, yourself, and your future family. It is simply not a viable reason to vote for Trump because of loyalty to the GOP and “I’d never vote Democrat because I’m a conservative” or because “he doesn’t support abortion and Hillary does” or something of the likes. You’re willing to turn against Hillary Clinton because she supports giving women a choice but you’re totally fine with having a man who actively disrespects women and hits on his own daughter as president? (I ask specifically to those of you who have given Hillary so much shit for being pro-choice and but haven’t made a peep about Trump’s blatant sexism) Trump has twisted this election and the image of the GOP so much that voting Republican (ie for Trump) is not a matter of your political views, but a matter of morals, and for that I am genuinely sorry for my conservative friends. The GOP deserves a better candidate, especially one that isn’t a revolting joke.

Moreover, many Donald Trump supporters argue that politicians are garbage and that having an actual businessman might be good for the economy. Really? Go ahead and check out corporate and court records and I can assure you’ll find, as Newsweek would put it, “lost contracts, bankruptcies, defaults, deceptions and indifference to investors.” Yeah, he’s made millions, but part of successfully managing a business is taking care of all stakeholders, and when you’re indifferent to investors, disrespectful to employees and partners alike, and dishonest about your own worth, you are not a good businessman, you are a dishonest and dishonorable one. If you truly believe he’s a good businessman because he made a bunch of money off “a small loan of $1 million” from daddy’s money I strongly urge you to dig deeper. Having built a large business does not equate as building an honest, successful empire. Hell, a good businessman is a man that can successfully manage a company. Donald Trump, if you haven’t heard, got his Twitter access taken away from him by his own campaign staff because they feared his lack of self control would hinder their campaign’s agenda. What does that tell you about how he can manage his own sad, orange self?

Now to put an end to my rant about how big a piece of garbage Donald Trump is and how any one who’d even consider voting for him is no better, to all my American friends, I beg that, first of all, you vote, and second of all that you vote for Hillary Clinton. I write this with a heavy heart, because I was never “With Her,” I don’t believe she’s by any means the best candidate to run this country and it saddens be to think of her as the first woman president of America. However, knowing how much I don’t love her will tell you how much I despise Donald Trump and how much I worry for the future of this country (and the world, to be honest), and I’m not even an American citizen. Moreover, I urge you to inform yourself as best as you can on both candidates and truly reflect on what matters to you in terms of your own future and that of your country. A democracy can only be truly successful if those who vote adhere to their duty to their country and educate themselves to make the best possible decision when they vote.

Lastly, as I don’t believe in just ranting my opinions and then doing nothing about it, here are some useful links to inform yourself about this election. If you’re a fellow Longhorn, vote today at the FAC!

Politifact- Fact checking Trump and Clinton:


Pollenize America 2016- Nonpartisan Organization dedicated to informing voters:


Overview on Donald Trump


Overview on Hillary Clinton


On Trump’s Business Ventures


The Latest on the FBI’s investigation on Hillary


Image taken from

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